Swerve Builder API#

To simplify the API surface, both builder and factory paradigms are used. Users create a SwerveDrivetrain by first defining the global drivetrain characteristics and then each module characteristics.

Defining Drivetrain Characteristics#

Drivetrain, in this instance, refers to the SwerveDrivetrainConstants class (Java). This class defines characteristics that are not module specific. Mandatory parameters include withCANbusName() and withPigeon2Id().


All devices in the swerve drivetrain must be on the same CAN bus.

Users can optionally provide a configuration object to apply custom configs to the Pigeon 2, such as mount orientation. Leaving the configuration object null will skip applying configs to the Pigeon 2.

SwerveDrivetrainConstants Example#

private static final SwerveDrivetrainConstants DrivetrainConstants = new SwerveDrivetrainConstants()

Defining Module Characteristics#

The typical FRC drivetrain includes 4 identical modules. To simplify module creation, there exists a SwerveModuleConstantsFactory (Java) class to simplify module creation.

Mandatory parameters for this factory are:

  • withDriveMotorGearRatio() - Gearing between the drive motor output shaft and the wheel.

  • withSteerMotorGearRatio() - Gearing between the steer motor output shaft and the azimuth gear.

  • withWheelRadius() - Radius of the wheel in inches.

  • withSteerMotorGains() - Instance of Slot0Configs, closed-loop gains for the steering motor.

  • withDriveMotorGains() - Instance of Slot0Configs, closed-loop gains for the drive motor.

  • withSteerMotorClosedLoopOutput() - The ClosedLoopOutputType to use for steer motor closed-loop control requests.

  • withDriveMotorClosedLoopOutput() - The ClosedLoopOutputType to use for drive motor closed-loop control requests.

  • withSpeedAt12VoltsMps() - Required for open-loop control, theoretical free speed (m/s) at 12v applied output.

  • withFeedbackSource() - Instance of SteerFeedbackType. Typically FusedCANcoder (requires Pro) or RemoteCANcoder.

For functional simulation, the following additional parameters must be defined.

  • withSteerInertia()

  • withDriveInertia()

For a full reference of the available functions, see the API documentation of SwerveModuleConstantsFactory (Java).

SwerveModuleConstantsFactory Example#

private static final SwerveModuleConstantsFactory ConstantCreator = new SwerveModuleConstantsFactory()

Additional Constants#

In the previous section, several optional constants are defined. These constants are not mandatory for usable swerve, but they can greatly increase swerve controllability and accuracy.


The ratio at which the output wheel rotates when the azimuth spins. In a traditional swerve module, this is the inverse of the 1st stage of the drive motor.

To manually determine the coupling ratio, lock the drive wheel in-place, then rotate the azimuth three times. Observe the number of rotations reported by the drive motor. The coupling ratio will be \(driveRotations / 3\), or \(driveRotations / azimuthRotations\).


This is the amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage. This can be found by placing the robot against a solid wall and slowly increase the output voltage. As the output voltage increases, plot the drive wheel velocity and stator current. Observe when the drive wheel velocity starts to rise (wheel is slipping) and at what stator current this begins.


An initial configuration object that can be used to apply custom configs to the backing devices for each swerve module. This is useful for situations such as applying supply current limits.

Building the Swerve Module Constants#

SwerveModuleConstants (Java) can be derived, or created, from the previous SwerveModuleConstantsFactory. A typical swerve drivetrain consists of four identical modules: Front Left, Front Right, Back Left, Back Right. While these modules can be instantiated directly (only really useful if the modules have different physical characteristics), the modules can also be created by calling createModuleConstants() with the aforementioned factory.

Calling createModuleConstants() takes the following arguments:

  • Steer Motor ID

  • Drive Motor ID

  • Steer Encoder ID

  • Steer Encoder Offset

  • X position in meters

  • Y position in meters

  • Whether the drive motor is reversed


The X and Y position of the modules is measured from the center point of the robot along the X and Y axes, respectively. These values use the same coordinate system as Translation2d (Java), where forward is positive X and left is positive Y.

SwerveModuleConstants Example#

private static final SwerveModuleConstants FrontLeft = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
   kFrontLeftSteerMotorId, kFrontLeftDriveMotorId, kFrontLeftEncoderId, kFrontLeftEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontLeftXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontLeftYPosInches), kInvertLeftSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants FrontRight = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
   kFrontRightSteerMotorId, kFrontRightDriveMotorId, kFrontRightEncoderId, kFrontRightEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontRightXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontRightYPosInches), kInvertRightSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants BackLeft = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
   kBackLeftSteerMotorId, kBackLeftDriveMotorId, kBackLeftEncoderId, kBackLeftEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kBackLeftXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kBackLeftYPosInches), kInvertLeftSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants BackRight = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
   kBackRightSteerMotorId, kBackRightDriveMotorId, kBackRightEncoderId, kBackRightEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kBackRightXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kBackRightYPosInches), kInvertRightSide);

Building the SwerveDrivetrain#


CommandSwerveDrivetrain is a version created by the Tuner X Swerve Project Generator that implements Subsystem (Java) for easy command-based integration.

SwerveDrivetrain (Java) is the class that handles odometry, configuration and control of the drivetrain. The constructor for this class takes the previous SwerveDrivetrainConstants and a list of SwerveModuleConstants.

public static final CommandSwerveDrivetrain DriveTrain = new CommandSwerveDrivetrain(DrivetrainConstants, FrontLeft,
   FrontRight, BackLeft, BackRight);

Utilization of SwerveDrivetrain consists of SwerveRequests that define the state of the drivetrain. For full details of using SwerveRequests to control your swerve, see Swerve Requests.

Full Example#

// Both sets of gains need to be tuned to your individual robot.

// The steer motor uses any SwerveModule.SteerRequestType control request with the
// output type specified by SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput
private static final Slot0Configs steerGains = new Slot0Configs()
// When using closed-loop control, the drive motor uses the control
// output type specified by SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput
private static final Slot0Configs driveGains = new Slot0Configs()

// The closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors;
// This affects the PID/FF gains for the steer motors
private static final ClosedLoopOutputType steerClosedLoopOutput = ClosedLoopOutputType.Voltage;
// The closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors;
// This affects the PID/FF gains for the drive motors
private static final ClosedLoopOutputType driveClosedLoopOutput = ClosedLoopOutputType.TorqueCurrentFOC;

// The stator current at which the wheels start to slip;
// This needs to be tuned to your individual robot
private static final double kSlipCurrentA = 150.0;

// Initial configs for the drive and steer motors and the CANcoder; these cannot be null.
// Some configs will be overwritten; check the `with*InitialConfigs()` API documentation.
private static final TalonFXConfiguration driveInitialConfigs = new TalonFXConfiguration();
private static final TalonFXConfiguration steerInitialConfigs = new TalonFXConfiguration()
      new CurrentLimitsConfigs()
         // Swerve azimuth does not require much torque output, so we can set a relatively low
         // stator current limit to help avoid brownouts without impacting performance.
private static final CANcoderConfiguration cancoderInitialConfigs = new CANcoderConfiguration();
// Configs for the Pigeon 2; leave this null to skip applying Pigeon 2 configs
private static final Pigeon2Configuration pigeonConfigs = null;

// Theoretical free speed (m/s) at 12v applied output;
// This needs to be tuned to your individual robot
public static final double kSpeedAt12VoltsMps = 4.73;

// Every 1 rotation of the azimuth results in kCoupleRatio drive motor turns;
// This may need to be tuned to your individual robot
private static final double kCoupleRatio = 3.5;

private static final double kDriveGearRatio = 6.75;
private static final double kSteerGearRatio = 15.43;
private static final double kWheelRadiusInches = 2;

private static final boolean kSteerMotorReversed = false;
private static final boolean kInvertLeftSide = false;
private static final boolean kInvertRightSide = true;

private static final String kCANbusName = "drivetrain";
private static final int kPigeonId = 1;

// These are only used for simulation
private static double kSteerInertia = 0.00001;
private static double kDriveInertia = 0.001;
// Simulated voltage necessary to overcome friction
private static final double kSteerFrictionVoltage = 0.25;
private static final double kDriveFrictionVoltage = 0.25;

private static final SwerveDrivetrainConstants DrivetrainConstants = new SwerveDrivetrainConstants()

private static final SwerveModuleConstantsFactory ConstantCreator = new SwerveModuleConstantsFactory()

// Front Left
private static final int kFrontLeftDriveMotorId = 1;
private static final int kFrontLeftSteerMotorId = 0;
private static final int kFrontLeftEncoderId = 0;
private static final double kFrontLeftEncoderOffset = -0.75;

private static final double kFrontLeftXPosInches = 10.5;
private static final double kFrontLeftYPosInches = 10.5;

// Front Right
private static final int kFrontRightDriveMotorId = 3;
private static final int kFrontRightSteerMotorId = 2;
private static final int kFrontRightEncoderId = 1;
private static final double kFrontRightEncoderOffset = -0.75;

private static final double kFrontRightXPosInches = 10.5;
private static final double kFrontRightYPosInches = -10.5;

// Back Left
private static final int kBackLeftDriveMotorId = 5;
private static final int kBackLeftSteerMotorId = 4;
private static final int kBackLeftEncoderId = 2;
private static final double kBackLeftEncoderOffset = -0.75;

private static final double kBackLeftXPosInches = -10.5;
private static final double kBackLeftYPosInches = 10.5;

// Back Right
private static final int kBackRightDriveMotorId = 7;
private static final int kBackRightSteerMotorId = 6;
private static final int kBackRightEncoderId = 3;
private static final double kBackRightEncoderOffset = -0.75;

private static final double kBackRightXPosInches = -10.5;
private static final double kBackRightYPosInches = -10.5;

private static final SwerveModuleConstants FrontLeft = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
      kFrontLeftSteerMotorId, kFrontLeftDriveMotorId, kFrontLeftEncoderId, kFrontLeftEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontLeftXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontLeftYPosInches), kInvertLeftSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants FrontRight = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
      kFrontRightSteerMotorId, kFrontRightDriveMotorId, kFrontRightEncoderId, kFrontRightEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontRightXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kFrontRightYPosInches), kInvertRightSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants BackLeft = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
      kBackLeftSteerMotorId, kBackLeftDriveMotorId, kBackLeftEncoderId, kBackLeftEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kBackLeftXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kBackLeftYPosInches), kInvertLeftSide);
private static final SwerveModuleConstants BackRight = ConstantCreator.createModuleConstants(
      kBackRightSteerMotorId, kBackRightDriveMotorId, kBackRightEncoderId, kBackRightEncoderOffset, Units.inchesToMeters(kBackRightXPosInches), Units.inchesToMeters(kBackRightYPosInches), kInvertRightSide);

public static final CommandSwerveDrivetrain DriveTrain = new CommandSwerveDrivetrain(DrivetrainConstants, FrontLeft,
      FrontRight, BackLeft, BackRight);